Product Finder >  Office  > P.K. Office Chairs

Company:P.K. Engineering Works

A huge selection of more than 500 office chairs is available at our store in various colors and designs. We specialize in markets like computer office chairs Delhi and ergonomic office chairs India. All our products are designed using the advanced technology and have the sole aim of providing extreme comfort to the human body. Ergonomic Chairs are best suited for people who use computers and laptops as part of their daily work schedule. Using a low quality computer chair often becomes a major cause of various back aches and spinal disorders. Our Computer chairs are designed for best human comfort and also provide a very effective back support to human body. Available in various designs and height adjusting features, our chairs are best suited for Offices and Homes. Customized to your own b

Keywords : Office Furniture, Office Chairs, Office Desks, Confrence Chairs,Office Bookshelves

Company : Office : P.K. Office Chairs

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Dealer list :
  1. P.K. Engineering Works, A-48 Wazirpur Industrial Area New Delhi – 110083, Delhi, 9810291185
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