Protect Your Garden from Ants

Ants that remove soil from the roots can also be harmful to your garden plants. To stop ants, pour boiling water into the nests of ants.
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Garden Pest Control
Pests cause a lot of damage to your garden and can destroy entire beauty of a garden. It is essential to get rid of pests to save your garden. The healthy way to get rid of unwanted insects is to use organic method. Here are some tips on organic pest control.
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To achieve best results water your plants early in the morning and in the after noon.
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For proper growth of shrubs, plants and grass, good quality fertilizer should be used according to the nature of soil.
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Proper irrigation is essential for plants as improper irrigation can cause yellow leaves of plants. Watering once a week is sufficient for indoor plants.
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Garden Tips
Avoid metallic garden furniture in areas where temperature reaches very high in summers.
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The Growth of Roses
Roses require sunlight with low intensity to grow properly. When it is extreme hot and sunrays directly fall on roses, the growth of roses is ceased.
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