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  khalidmarkar - TemplatorUpdated on 1/15/2011  
I am the master distributor of Asia and Middle-East, of a product called LT-55XL, we undertake jobs and sell the machine as well, we specialize in customizing and designing countertops by creating a digital template is super accurate, and have the countertop cut on a CNC or Wajetjet machine, so that the quality of the cut looks as if it was made and fabricated just for you, people often use manual labor to cut the tops which does not have the finish to it. LT-55 Can measure anything on a 2D plane including columns or beams that are often in the kitchen making it difficul to install your countertop. do visit our site its your one stop answer to all your measurement and designing needs. or simply call me on +91 9773129876. cheers.
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I wanted to know who specializes in customized countertops that are may be cut o

I wanted to know who specializes in customized countertops that are may be cut on a waterjet or CNC machine for that superb and elegant look. need to know some companies or contractors who are in to this. really appreciate your help on this one guys. thanks.
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