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  aman khan - Interior DecoratorUpdated on 9/13/2012  
I am AMAN KHAN,,,, Interior Designer from Indore India .... cell:99268 96147 I'm a happy go-lucky character with a somewhat wacky personality and quirks which only those who know me can really understand. I am always naturally high on life...I love smiling and try to find the positive in almost everything! I believe that every new day is a reason to smile :o) I also have some old fashioned tendencies which have rather aptly earned me the nickname of 'GURU' .Thanx Interest--- art work, good- friends, chat, traveling, food, photography, goth, gothic, goth rock, piercings, tattoos, magick, the cruxshadows, halloween, runes, dreams, mythology, arthurian legend, poetry, emilie autumn, herbology, terry pratchett, caffeine, astrology, Egyptian deities, sugar, paganism, immortality, the wild hunt, time of the faeries, elves, tea, absinthe, pink, ancient ruins, cemeteries, funeral customs, stephen king, baba yaga, shakespeare, ice cream, unicorns, cupcakes, fashion, Chinese food, Venetian masks, Victorian era, make-up, dragons, bats, Alice in Wonderland, jewellery, zombies, laveyan satanism, bishounen, fae, fantasy, glitter, ghosts, absinthe-flavoured lipbalm, autumn, pennywise, fairy tales, gothic charm school, philosophy, lace, burlesque, butterflies, the night sky, lovecraft, edgar allen poe, romance, thunderstorms, cats, cocker spaniels, performing arts, shamanism, pan's labyrinth, vintage, urban life, London, America, goblins, supernatural, voudoun, paranormal, horror movies, the green man, Herne, Artemis, Kali, perfume, jack o'lanterns, tolkien, wicked witches, moonlight, owls, vampires, UFOs, werewolves, witches, Native American legends, Celtic legends, Greek myths, gloom cookie, bizenghast, ashbury heights, metal, deathrock, gothic lolita, dark electro, angelology, tarot, festivals, wicca, folklore, whitby, wave gotik treffen, S.O.P.H.I.E, unexplained phenomena, witchcraft, writing, art, palmistry, dance, bellydance, fairies, faeries, books, industrial, legends, gods and goddesses, neil gaiman, anne rice, EBM, darkwave
Current profession: Interior DecoratorGender: Male
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aman khan Interior Decorator Indore


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Zip: 452001
Country: India
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