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  Aditi ChoudharyUpdated on 4/22/2013  
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Aditi Choudhary  

bedroom strips paint pattern in green

bedroom strips paint pattern in green
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Aditi Choudhary  

decorative paint pattern in hand made design

decorative paint pattern in hand made design
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Aditi Choudhary  

sponge paint design for wall decor

sponge paint design for wall decor
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Aditi Choudhary  

Multi-shade paint strips wall

Multi-shade paint strips wall
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Aditi Choudhary  

decorative paint texture nature theme

decorative paint texture  nature theme
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Aditi Choudhary  

multicolored wall graphics decor

multicolored wall graphics decor
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Aditi Choudhary  

wall strips paint in yellow and brown for living room

wall strips paint in yellow and brown for living room
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Aditi Choudhary  

ceiling stencil bronze shade

ceiling stencil bronze shade
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Aditi Choudhary  

kids room wall paint polka dots pattern

kids room wall paint polka dots pattern
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Aditi Choudhary  

sponge paint pattern for bathroom wall

 sponge paint pattern for bathroom wall
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Aditi Choudhary  

paint strips blue tone in living room

paint strips blue tone in living room
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Aditi Choudhary  

faux painting texture glass pattern

faux painting texture glass pattern
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Aditi Choudhary  

study room wall painting stencil design

study room wall painting stencil design
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Aditi Choudhary  

paint stencil design over blue background

paint stencil design over blue background
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Aditi Choudhary  

decorative flower wall pattern

decorative flower wall pattern
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Aditi Choudhary  

textured paint on exterior wall

textured paint on exterior wall
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Aditi Choudhary  

large white flower pattern over blue base paint in din

 large white flower pattern over blue base paint in dining room
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Aditi Choudhary  

vinyl wall stickers in coffee color tone

vinyl wall stickers in coffee color tone
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Aditi Choudhary  

Wallpaper for bathroom

Wallpaper for bathroom
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Aditi Choudhary  

wallpaper in dining room

wallpaper in dining room
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