Ajay Dua
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very neat and clean laundary room
very neat and clean laundary room
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  Ajay DuaUpdated on 11/8/2012  
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Ajay Dua  

Dining Room Furniture

Dining Room Furniture
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Ajay Dua  

a studyroom

a studyroom
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Ajay Dua  

Study area with asian furniture

Study area with asian furniture
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Ajay Dua  

Large Size Bed Headboard

Large Size Bed Headboard
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Ajay Dua  

Sliding Wardrobe and Cupboard Design

Sliding Wardrobe and Cupboard Design
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Ajay Dua  

Dine in sleek way

Dine in sleek way
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Ajay Dua  

Dining Room Furniture

Dining Room Furniture
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Ajay Dua  

black and white flooring design

black and white flooring design
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Ajay Dua  

black and white sofaset wow its an exclusive color and

black and white sofaset wow its an exclusive color and contrast and a unique design
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Ajay Dua  

Stone age bathroom

Stone age bathroom
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Ajay Dua  

living room in a pretty pink color

living room in a pretty pink color
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Anonymous It was so good to implement in my house
4/26/2010 1:07:17 PM

Ajay Dua  

bedroom furniture

bedroom furniture
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Ajay Dua  

a glass bookshelf

a glass bookshelf
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Ajay Dua  


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Ajay Dua  

Bedroom Furniture idea for kids

Bedroom Furniture idea for kids
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Ajay Dua  

wood flooring

wood flooring
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Ajay Dua  

no head board this is Asian furniture design

no head board this is Asian furniture design
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Ajay Dua  

Architecture of a resort

Architecture of a resort
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Ajay Dua  

Girls Bedroom with Beautiful Curtain Designing

Girls Bedroom with Beautiful Curtain Designing
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Ajay Dua  

Bamboo Roofing

Bamboo Roofing
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Forums contributed by Ajay Dua

 Ajay Dua's Videos (3) 
Title Finish restoration for antique wood furniture.
Description This is a beginner course for restoration of antique furniture finishes on DVD. This course will teach you the basics of antique furniture finish restoration. The same techniques used by museum conservators. Antique wood finishes are at the mercy of their environment. Damage can occur from us, our friends, pets, children, insects, sunlight, humidity, and other impurities in the air.
Uploaded on 2/4/2010
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