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  Amir MunirUpdated on 12/1/2008  
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Amir Munir  

Simple living room design

Simple living room design
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Amir Munir  

my kids room

my kids room
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shalu its a very sweet room
8/31/2008 9:49:41 PM

Amir Munir  

my daughter in her room

my daughter in her room
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Lila Sue Davis Your daughter looks like a princess she is beautiful and i like the colors in the room
9/8/2008 11:11:07 AM
gunia beautiful girl
9/6/2008 2:32:51 PM

Amir Munir  

living room

living room
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prashant gohil DFDF
9/7/2008 2:12:05 PM

Amir Munir  

minimum and modern

minimum and modern
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Anonymous Elegant but.. agree about darker door and different handle. I would paint the ac timber boarder the same as the wall to make it 'disappear' more and the power wiring needs to be better concelled - could try running it down a covered track next to the door frame.
3/5/2009 10:56:01 AM
madhu The overall appeal is very good.Clutter free and neat. However, 1)If the door is painted brown(wooden polish),the decor will have a better appeal. 2)The door knob looks a bit out of place. 3)The flower vase could have brighter and more flowers.
3/4/2009 10:40:47 AM
sudakshina chacko could have done with a split a.c and i agree door is not happening.
10/10/2008 5:45:13 PM
vivek Wonderful
9/20/2008 11:26:54 PM
9/16/2008 11:17:03 PM
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Amir Munir  

kids room

kids room
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