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  Aditi ChoudharyUpdated on 4/22/2013  
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Aditi Choudhary  

Wallpaper for bathroom

Wallpaper for bathroom
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Aditi Choudhary  

wallpaper in dining room

wallpaper in dining room
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Aditi Choudhary  

colorful wall paint pattern done in deco paint

colorful wall paint pattern done in deco paint
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Aditi Choudhary  

faux paint finish murals

faux paint finish murals
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Aditi Choudhary  

different sponge paint pattern

different sponge paint pattern
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Aditi Choudhary  

brown shade chalkboard paint pattern

brown shade chalkboard paint pattern
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Aditi Choudhary  

wall plaster finish

wall plaster finish
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Aditi Choudhary  

golden and bronze paint texture

golden and bronze paint texture
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Aditi Choudhary  

small flowers texture paint

small flowers texture paint
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Aditi Choudhary  

dining room wall mural design

dining room wall mural design
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Aditi Choudhary  

faux painting wall art paint pattern

faux painting wall art paint pattern
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arunendra nice
12/16/2014 12:29:47 PM

Aditi Choudhary  

wallpaper on partition wall for dining area

wallpaper on partition wall for dining area
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Aditi Choudhary  

faux painting design

faux painting design
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Aditi Choudhary  

wall design in strips pattern

wall design in strips pattern
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Aditi Choudhary  

Colorful vertical paint stripes pattern in bathroom

Colorful vertical paint stripes  pattern in bathroom
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Aditi Choudhary  

bamboo strips paint ideas for bathroom

bamboo strips paint ideas for bathroom
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Aditi Choudhary  

stencil wall painting pattern for bedroom

stencil wall painting pattern for bedroom
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Aditi Choudhary  

Faux painting pattern for pillar

Faux painting pattern for pillar
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Aditi Choudhary  

sponge texture paint in red color

sponge texture paint in red color
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Aditi Choudhary  

dining room wall paint in orange strips

dining room wall paint in orange strips
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