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Answered by Subhash Tyagi on Mon Nov 12, 2007 12:52 PM
The following types of door handles are commonly used.
• D Type Handle
• Mortice  Lock Handle
According to the material three types of handles are generally available in the market. 1) Aluminum Handle
2) Brass Handle
3) M. S. Handle.
You should choose the door handle of the material which is being used in the other door fittings at your homes so that all the fittings are of uniform material. However, if you have not purchased any door handle or fitting, then brass fitting are the best suited for wooden doors.
Also the following should be kept in mind while installing the door handles.
• Size of the door handle should be 100 mm to 120 mm.
• Height of door handle from the floor level should be 90 cm to 100 cm.
• Distance of door handle from edge of the door should be 10 cm.
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