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Applying WallCare Putty to Newly Plastered Walls

Applying WallCare Putty to Newly Plastered Walls
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Birla White  

Applying WallCare Putty to Newly Plastered Walls

Applying WallCare Putty to Newly Plastered Walls
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Birla White  

Applying WallCare Putty to Newly Plastered Walls

Applying WallCare Putty to Newly Plastered Walls
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Birla White  

Applying WallCare Putty to Newly Plastered Walls

Applying WallCare Putty to Newly Plastered Walls
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Forums contributed by Birla White


Applying Birla White WallCare Putty to Newly Plastered Walls: Timing and Best Pr

Applying Birla White WallCare Putty to Newly Plastered Walls: Timing and Best Practices:Properly drying newly plastered walls before applying putty is crucial to avoid issues like cracking or poor adhesion. It's recommended to allow a few weeks for curing, consulting with your plaster manufacturer or contractor for specific drying times. After drying, inspect the surface for imperfections and addr.
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