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Answered by Ruchika on Mon Nov 19, 2007 4:42 PM

Study room

The architecture of the house affects our body, mind and soul. So these points should be kept in mind while constructing your study room so that you can concentrate better on your studies.


§         West or North directions are best for constructing study room. Study room should not be constructed in the South zone as it would not allow concentration.

§         Planets like Jupiter, mercury are located in the west direction and they help in increasing mental capacity.

§         While studying your face should be towards East or North. It brings academic excellence.

§         Book-shelves should be in East or North direction.

§         There should not be any window in front or back side of study table.

§         Central part of the study room should leave empty.

§         Never sit in the kitchen to study.

§         Do not apply dark colors in the study room. Always choose colors like white, cream, light green and yellow for study room.

§         Bathroom may be attached with the study room but not the toilet.


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Answered by nicsunny on Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:47 AM

Study room should be in the west portion of the house, but never be in the south-west and north west. Budha (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Chandra(Moon), Shukra(Venus) effect having a study room in the west direction, as mercury increases brain power, jupiter increases ambition and curiosity. Moon helps in the generation of new thoughts and ideas. Venus helps in the growth of talent.

Color of walls in the study room should be green, light green, blue, cream, and white. Light colors are preferred uv er dark ones. The door of the study room should be in the north east of tote room. And windows should be larger on the eastern side and smaller on the western side of the room. Study table should be placed in a directions that the face of the student while studying is towards the north-east. Book rack and cabinets should be placed in the east, north, north-east direction, and never in south-west and northwest of the room.

If books are placed in the north-west of the room there are chances of misplacing or loosing the books. And the books are rarely used if placed in the south-west of the room. No cabinets or tables should be placed in the center of the room. It is best to leave the center portion of the study room empty.

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