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  Amir Dawood - ConsultantUpdated on 1/17/2011  
I work for Laser Products(USA). We have a wide range of products . Please check our website >>>
Current profession: ConsultantGender: Male
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Title LT-55 XL
Description Custom made countertops have become a very important trend and definitely gives a remarkable and prestigious look to homes and businesses. LT-55XL is a very unique and one of a kind machine, that actually measures space in 2D and while doing so automatically creates an AutoCAD file, this machine measures accurately with a precision of plus or minus 5mm every hundred meters, its software interface is so easy to use that it can be practically used by any common man. This machine is mainly used to accurately measure and design Kitchen, Vanity and Table countertops, and at the same time create a .DXF file or a Digital Template that can be used by either a CNC or a Waterjet machine to cut out the finest, smoothest looking countertops. LT-55XL, is also equipped with features like creating estimates, pdf agreements with signatures , you can also take pictures on site so that your output team would know the exact condition of the project, plus all of this data gets saved in one folder, and you can save that on as SD card simply put that in your cell phone and send it to any part of the world, or if you are in a WiFi zone you can also email it. If there are software updates available, then you can simply keep updating it lifelong at absolutely no extra costs. There are many more features in this machine.
Uploaded on 1/17/2011
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  11 June, 2024
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Address: Al-Hussain Society,7th Floor,Flat No.33,Mahim
City: Mumbai
Zip: 400016
Country: India
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